
Can you feel my
breath on your cheek
Can you feel me
my touch a gentle caress
Can you hear me
whispering your name
In the stillness of this night
I am always here
Do you see me in your dreams
as I watch over you
I am your yesterday
but not your today
or tomorrow
Do you see me in your dreams
As I reach out my love
I Can you remember when I left
Now I sleep and travel on
the winds of change
Do you see me in your dreams
as I watch over you
I am your yesterday
but not your today
or tomorrow
Do you see me in your dreams
As I reach out my love
I am your yesterday
but not your today
or tomorrow
Can you feel my lips
burning on yours
This one last time
a final goodbye
Do you see me in your dreams
as I watch over you
I am your yesterday
but not your today
or tomorrow
Do you see me in your dreams
As I reach out my love
I am your yesterday
But not your today
Or tomorrow
Can you remember when I left
Now I sleep and travel
on the winds
of change
I wanted to stay
But I had to go
Do you see me in your dreams
as I watch over you
I am your yesterday
And while I’m never far away
I will never again be your today
Or tomorrow
The avalanche of days
go by so quickly
And I can't seem to slow them down
hold onto them
Will you promise to stay with me forever
and just one more day
Forever isn't long enough
for all I need to say
I want us to ride dragons
in the wind
With the warmth of the
rising sun on our backs
As we chase our dreams
of rainbows
Will you promise to stay with me forever
and just one more day
Forever isn't long enough
for all I need to say
Let’s go walking in the woods
in the black midnight
And see the treetops
shining silver
Bathed in the light of only
the stars and moon
Will you promise to stay with me forever
and just one more day
Forever isn't long enough
for all I need to say
Should we follow our dreams
make wings
Jump off a cliff
and like Icarus
See how close we can fly
to the sun
Will you promise to stay with me forever
and a day
Forever isn't long enough
for all I need to say
Come with me and let's
follow our dreams
And each and every day
I'll tell you
How I love you
more and more
And I never want
to leave you
Forever and a day
Not Finished

I thought I had your love
In the palm of my hand
But I was a means to an end
You really wanted my best friend
Can you ever know
The pain that scorched my brain
Wrenched my heart
When you said “I have to go-
I don’t love you anymore.
Were you pretending to love me
All this time?
Lies come so easily to your lips
Promises never kept
Never meant
Promises made as a means to an end.
Now I’m moving on
I can’t stay in this place
This nowhere land called

Help me I breathe you
absorb you
I need you
I have lost all sense of me
I taste you
I feel you
Dear god
What hope is left for me?
The pain the addiction
grows the more I am exposed
Please as my supplier
cut off my supply
Please as my supplier
Cut off my supply!
I need to go
cold turkey
Don't feed my addiction
don't let me
Breathe you
absorb you
Taste you
Heaven help me
What hope is left for me
Are you a madness
an illness from which
There is no recovery
You are a madness
a drug
To which I am now addicted
and from which
there is no recovery
The pain the addiction
grows the more I am exposed
Please as my supplier
cut off the supply
Please as my supplier
​Cut off my supply!